Home Assistant Ansible Role - InfluxDB
InfluxDB can be optionally install as part of this roles feature list. The intent of deploying and using InfluxDB is to store metrics that can be accessed easily with countless softwares.
The basic Influx DB workflow is as follows:
Deploy influxDB docker container on an internal docker network
Bucket(s) Created for storage
Token Creation for API access
Token Creation
Tokens are required for Grafana and the Telegraf containers so they can read/write from the database. There are two tokens created: grafana and telegraf. This sub-workflow must check that the token exists and the permissions match. If not, fix to be the desired state.
Token Workflow:
Fetch existing tokens
iterate over the existing token checking to ensure the permissions match
Don't match
add to a list to be removed from the influxDB instance
delete tokens with permission mismatch
Establish which tokens need to be created and add to 'creation list'.
create the tokens using 'creation list'
fetch existing tokens and arrange for use elsewhere in role.
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Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit hereDate Created: 2023-10-07
Date Edited: 2023-10-28
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